Truck Accident Attorneys – Questions about Truck Accidents

What are the most common causes of truck accidents?
While the immediate cause of the accident may or may not seem apparent at the time, truck accidents are often the result of a combination of factors, including the unseen such as equipment failure or driver fatigue. Causes of truck accidents can include:accident attorneys

Unrealistic schedules
Driver fatigue
Excessive speed
Inadequate truck maintenance
Defective truck or truck parts
Overweight or improperly loaded truck
Tire blowout
Inexperienced or undertrained driver
Defective roadway
Hazardous weather or traffic conditions
Reckless behavior of another driver

Who can be held responsible for truck accident injuries?

Determining responsibility in a truck accident requires thorough investigation into the underlying cause of the accident. In some cases there are multiple responsible parties. Those who may be held responsible for trucking accidents include:

Trucking company (carrier)
Truck driver
Property broker
Truck manufacturer
Parts manufacturer
Other drivers
Entity responsible for roadway design, construction, and maintenance
Weigh station

Why do I need the help of an truck accident attorney?

Truck accident lawsuits are far more complex than most auto accident cases. There can be many victims and multiple responsible parties. Injuries are often catastrophic or fatal. Your attorney must have a thorough understanding of trucking laws in addition to personal injury law. Truck accidents require thorough investigation and the evidence may be buried deep in the trucking company’s paperwork.truck accident lawyers

Our truck accident attorneys have the knowledge, experience, and resources to stand up the trucking company, insurance company, and other powerful opponents you may face. You, the victim, need and deserve attorneys who can level the playing field so that you can get the compensation you deserve and may depend on to pay for medical care and keep your family going financially for years to come.

If you or a loved one has been injured or killed by in a truck accident, please call our truck accident attorneys. The initial consultation with our truck accident attorney is free, and if we agree to represent you, we will work for a contingent fee, which means we won’t get paid for our services unless you receive a settlement or an award. A truck accident lawsuit must be filed before the expiration of the statute of limitations. Please call right away to ensure that you do not waive your right to possible compensation.

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